Admin - ABCreatio

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Just your friendly ABCreatio Admin!

What a month! – August 2022

What a month!

Here’s what we’ve been up to at ABCreatio during August 2022!

✅ Registered ABCreatio with Company Houses, finally making it official!

✅ Worked on client’s projects such as Seiton Espace By A!

✅ Opened new social medias account for people to reach us, such as our Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

✅ Ordered a Revolut Reader to take payments in-person, for customers who wishes so.

✅ Integrated online payments on the website!

Let’s catch up next month for another round of exciting news!

Aphrodite presentation


  • Organiser: University of Kent
  • Location: Darwin Conference Room, University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom
  • Date: March 4th, 2022
  • Time: 2 PM – 4 PM GMT

About the organiser

University of Kent

The University of Kent is a semi-collegiate public research university based in Kent, United Kingdom. The University was granted its Royal Charter on 4 January 1965 and the following year Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, was formally installed as the first Chancellor.


Darwin Conference Room, University of Kent. Photo from the University of Kent.